the top dog (Training)

Obedience in dogs is developed with clear and consistent training and is one of the best things you can do for your dog or puppy… and yourself. Obedience training will open up a line of communication between you and your dog while developing a relationship of trust.

Dogtrix offers “Level One” training that will teach the basics of obedience handling and develop your dog to become a good canine citizen. Dianne Creighton, our course developer, comes with 40 years experience. She uses positive, motivational training methods and focuses on creating a bond of respect with your dog. Niki and Brenda are our course instructors. Both have been training under Dianne for over a decade.

Remember: No dog is too old to learn!

Level One

Level One is designed for those dogs that have none or little obedience training they must be 3 months old and fully vaccinated to start Level One. Your dog does not have to be fixed. No dog is too old! Your dog will be taught: 

  • To reliably respond to basic commands such as “sit”, “down”, “come”, and “stay”.
  • To walk properly on a leash and leash control.
  • The importance of manners.
  • To gain respect for you and other dogs.
  • Your dog will also learn heeling and recall as well as the importance of not spoiling your dog and not giving them anything for free.

Level one is $235.00 + GST 

Classes are for 6 weeks – You and your dog will attend once a week for one hour

Please call Dogtrix at (780) 997-0297 to register